Everlasting Longing
Jun Qi Luo, naslednica trgovačke porodice, skriva se pod identitetom Jun Fei Fana, nelegitimnog sina. U tuđini trpi optužbe, poniženja i zlostavljanje, ali uspeva da pobegne. Po povratku otkriva da su princ, njen zet i ljubavnica opljačkali porodično bogatstvo. Odlučna da obnovi poslovno carstvo, uz oca i sestre, bori se za pravdu i opstanak.
Jun Qiluo experiences many hardships in a foreign land. She is accused of being a spy, humiliated, and mistreated. Qiluo finds a chance to escape but discovers that while she is away from home, the prince has colluded with her brother-in-law and his mistress to steal their family fortune. Jun Qiluo takes her aging father, erniang, and two younger sisters with her as she fights to rebuild the family business.